5 Negative Side Effects of Earthing- What You Should Know

5 Negative Side Effects of Earthing- What You Should Know

Some call it earthing, some call it grounding.  I, as a grounding enthusiast, have not decided which term I prefer to use, despite my many hours of research into this phenomenon! Since I’m an MRI Technologist, I spent two years learning how our bodies interact with magnetism and electricity.  I now use this knowledge daily,…

The Science of Grounding Debunked| Deep Dive Into the Evidence

The Science of Grounding Debunked| Deep Dive Into the Evidence

Grounding, also called Earthing, has gained a lot of attention in the past few years and has certainly caught my attention (thanks, TikTok). When I first started looking into the whole grounding thing, I was pretty skeptical. I heard that it can help me sleep better, have more energy, and reduce inflammation. My background as…

5 Best Grounding Sheets of 2024 For a Better Sleep

5 Best Grounding Sheets of 2024 For a Better Sleep

Hey there, fellow sleep enthusiast! Looking for the best grounding sheets? I have you covered. Ever tossed and turned, feeling like you’re battling restless energy rather than snuggling into dreamland? Well, you’re not alone. I have spent countless hours rather ticked off at why I can’t seem to just fall asleep. I mean, babies can…

Claustrophobia and MRI: 13 Tips From An MRI Tech

Claustrophobia and MRI: 13 Tips From An MRI Tech

As and MRI Technologist, I have helped my fair share of  claustrophobic patients get through their MRI. Claustrophobia is no joke and struggling with anxiety related to small or enclosed spaces can make it seem difficult to get through your MRI scan.  This, added with the anxiety of knowing that your MRI scan may be…