Prenuvo Review- An MRI Tech Tries A Full Body MRI

Prenuvo Whole Body MRI Review

Welcome to my Prenuvo review!

I am a certified MRI tech and I give you a backstage pass into my experience having a full-body MRI.

Since I have also worked for Prenuvo at their start-up location in the past, I have the inside scoop on all there is to know about Prenuvo.

My job as a tech was to set the patients up and see them through their actual scans.

I get to see behind the scenes and get to interact with many patients from all sorts of backgrounds and help them navigate their MRI experience.

In this Prenuvo review, I am going to give you a backstage look at what the Whole-body scan.

I will also include my experience and whether I believe it is worth your time and money!


Whole Body MRI Scan

Prenuvo offers clinical-grade Full Body MRI Screening.

Check It Out


What is the Prenuvo Whole Body MRI Scan?

It is a diagnostic imaging service that offers a look at your full body under the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine.

This scan has no ionizing radiation and uses radio frequency and a magnetic field to produce images. 

This service can offer early detection of cancers and other abnormalities allowing you and your trusted health professionals to get an earlier start on treatment. 

They offer three different scan packages, depending on what sections of the body you are interested in. This includes a torso-only scan, a head and torso scan, and the whole-body scan.

 Who Created Prenuvo?

This company was initially founded by Radiologist Dr. Raj Attariwala.

Founder of Prenuvo Dr. Raj Attariwala poses with Prenuvo CEO Andrew Lacy in front of a Prenuvo MRI machine

There is an interesting story behind the name “Prenuvo”

The “renu” stands for Reenu, a dear childhood friend of Dr. Attariwala.

Reenu was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic colon cancer at age 36, she battled courageously but sadly passed away a year later.

Before her diagnosis, she had expressed fatigue to her physician numerous times, only to be reassured. 

Realizing that early knowledge could have altered Reenu’s narrative, Dr. Attariwala and his colleagues felt compelled to develop a more accessible and improved technological solution.

Thus, in Reenu’s memory, Prenuvo emerged.

Top Benefits of The Whole Body Scan by Prenuvo

  • Can detect tumours as small as 1.0cm -1.5 cm
  • Can offer peace of mind 
  • Results can help point physicians and healthcare providers to areas of concern and open the doors for earlier treatment
  • If done regularly, can provide comparisons over the years and possibly detect areas of individual health decline
  • Prenuvo uses its own facilities across North America and therefore has complete control over scan quality and patient experience. 
  • They offer a spa-like experience which includes your own personal changing area, snacks, coffee, and tea. 

 Best Features of the Prenuvo Whole Body Scan

In comparison to other brands offering full-body MRIs, Prenuvo stands out.

For starters, this is a company that has different departments and is attacking the preventative health game from all angles.

They have AI specialists, research specialists, an incredible team of doctors and clinical staff, as well as amazing customer service

That’s not all, let’s take a look at what else makes Prenuvo stand out:

Uses Multiparametric Imaging Techniques

This technique involves both functional and anatomical imaging being used together. What does this do? This allows for more diagnostic detail than a routine MRI, which typically uses anatomical imaging alone. 

Proprietary Scan Protocols

Their scan protocols have been tested and adapted for over 10 years and are constantly being improved.

The results are higher quality images in a faster time. Prenuvo also uses scan techniques that have been backed by over 7000 research studies, proving accuracy and efficiency. 

MRI Machine Type

Magnetic Field Strength: 1.5T scanners are the standard clinical strength you see in most hospitals. In my professional opinion, this is perfect for a whole-body MRI.

Higher strengths (such as 3T) do offer higher resolution images but at a cost. The higher strength can heat the patient more, take longer to scan, and can be more susceptible to poorer image quality due to patient movement.

Open MRI or Closed MRI: They are also considered a closed MRI, as opposed to open MRI. Closed does not mean there is a dead end at the back of the machine.

Picture a giant toilet paper roll. It is always open at the back, at times, your head will stick out the back.

Tube Size: Wide Bore, 70 cm. This is bigger than your standard MRI. You will have more room above you and on either side of you. Most claustrophobic patients find this to be very comfortable.

Innovations and Research With AI

A research and development team is constantly innovating their techniques using a team of AI specialists. AI can be used to aid the radiologist with the image analysis process. AI can also provide the radiologist with more quantitative data, trends, and statistics. 

This research team also looks at emerging data and how whole-body MRI can be a game-changer in the preventative health arena.

For instance, the research team found a link between visceral fat and mid-life brain atrophy

User-Friendly Patient Dashboard

The innovative patient dashboard provides an easy-to-navigate platform for the patient to access their scan results, book appointments, and fill out their comprehensive intake form. 

Scan results are well-organized and informative. 

Prenuvo Pricing

Three options are available: Torso, Head and Torso, Whole Body

Three different scan packages offered by Prenuvo which include a Torso only scan for 999.00 USD, a Head and Torso scan for 1799.00 USD, and the Whole Body scan for 2499.00 USD

Prenuvo Whole Body Scan Pros and Cons

Now that we have covered the main features of Prenuvo’s preventative MRI scans, I wanted to include some additional pros. To be completely unbiased I also wanted to throw in 

Prenuvo Whole Body Scan Pros

  • no ionizing radiation
  • A large bore machine, which means it is wider and shorter than your average MRI, is great for those who feel a tad claustrophobic.  
  • patient can share these results and request additional copies of USBs or CDs to send to specialists
  • can listen to music (all sites) or watch Netflix (location-dependent)
  • Does not require an injection with contrast dye
  • MRI Technologists at Prenuvo specialize in Whole Body Imaging and undergo additional training in radiology to make sure your scan is properly prioritized, should there be an urgent finding. 

Overall, this is a safe procedure with no lasting side effects. It equips you with direct personal access to your results that you can share with whomever you choose.

Prenuvo Whole Body Scan Cons

  • Some can consider the full-body scan time (60 minutes) to be long.
    • MRI uses high-resolution imaging in general and MRIs typically are longer as a rule. 
  • May not include foot and ankle in individuals 175cm and taller
  • Does not provide a detailed analysis of the heart and lungs.
    • MRI is not the primary diagnostic tool for lung evaluation in general.
    • Cardiac MRI scans often require dedicated evaluation which often includes a contrast dye injection. 
  • Some find the pricing to be higher than they expected.
    • According to Imaging Technology News, the average price range for an MRI in America is $400.00-$10,00.00. With single body parts starting at $400.00. 
  • Some may find the experience claustrophobic. However, Prenuvo has an experienced team and there are many ways to accommodate claustrophobia. 

Overall, the majority of the cons listed above are not limited or specific to Prenuvo, but rather, are downsides that you will likely encounter at any MRI imaging facility.

Prenuvo Review- My Experience

It is always odd as a healthcare professional when it’s your turn to be the patient. Since I am an MRI technologist and just so happen to work at Prenuvo, there was no mystery to me and I knew exactly what to expect.

That being said, you never really know what the experience is like until you hop into the scanner yourself!

Before The Scan

It is recommended that you fast for about 4 hours before the scan. This is to make sure your abdominal and pelvic organs are better visualized and to reduce the motion of your digestive tract.

I was given a nice comfy set of scrubs to wear, so I didn’t have to worry what I was going to wear for my 2000+ picture photo shoot!

I was given a secure location to lock away my things and a comfortable and private change room. 

During The Scan

If you opted for the Full-Body scan then you will be covered (head to toe) in what we techs call “coils”. These are devices that can send and receive the radio frequency necessary to obtain the image. 

A man is covered in MRI coils from head to toe while laying on the scan table of the MRI machine just before he begins his whole body MRI scan at Prenuvo
  • Also, note that you will need to hold COMPLETELY STILL for the duration of the test. Become a statue, be a statue.
  • You will be given instructions to hold your breath for the chest and abdomen portion of the test. They are typically between 10s-17s breath holds. It is important to try and do these consistently for the best image quality.

Other Considerations


There are tips and tricks to minimizing your claustrophobia.

Some Include:

  • The scanner is open on both ends and won’t close or spin at any time during the test
  • The lights will stay on
  • You are given an emergency call bell to squeeze if you feel you need to urgently stop the test
  • the tech will remain right outside and will check in with you
  • The straps you see in the picture above are simple velcro straps and are just there to hold the cameras down. Some sites don’t have these straps at all.
  • You can request an eye mask if you feel that may reduce anxiety
  • You can request a mirror to be placed above your head that helps you see out of the scanner tube. Or, if you are watching Netflix, the mirror will show a reflection of the show you are watching.
  • There is an option to request Ativan (an anti-anxiety medication) before your scan. You WILL need to bring a responsible driver to drive you home.

If you are worried about the noise, stop being worried. You are given a set of headphones that reduce the noise down to a safe and comfortable level and I found I was not bothered by the noise at all.

You can also pick what you’d like to listen to. 

Potential For Heating

Also worth noting that closer to the end of the exam I did feel some heat coming from the coils. That is normal, some people do heat up as well and you might find yourself sweating near the end of the test.

Overall I found it quite relaxing in there and I think I even dozed off a bit.

After The Scan

After my scan, I was able to hit up the snacks, coffee, and tea!

Was waiting for my scan results a tad anxiety-inducing? Perhaps. But thankfully the results showed there was nothing too concerning.

This was relieving and provided me with a baseline to compare to future scans or future changes in my health. There were a couple of minor findings that are worth monitoring. 

I found the patient dashboard user-friendly and easy to navigate.

It even gave me some extra info about the types of findings I had so that I could educate myself on exactly what they meant.

The Prenuvo patient dashboard which shows the outline of a person in anatomical position. Surrounding the person are cartoon icons representing each system of the body, such as the nervous system. Under each icon it is indicated in writing as to whether there are minor, informational, moderate, or severe findings from the Prenuvo MRI whole body report.


This includes a small cyst on my thyroid: This can be followed up on my next scan to see if it has changed.

an Axial T2 MRI cross section of a person's neck. With an arrow pointing to a small cyst in the thyroid

Moderate Spondyloathropathy of the Lumbar Spine: Maybe I should avoid sitting so much…

A sagittal T2 MRI of a person's lumbar spine showing atherosclerosis of the L5-S1 disc.

Finally and most importantly, I can prove I have a brain.

An axial FLAIR MRI image of a person's brain showing normal findings.

How Prenuvo Stands Out:

  1. They own and operate their scanning facilities. Not all companies do, some contract the work out to third-party clinics, which can affect the quality of service.
  2. Their MRI Technologists specialize in whole-body imaging, rather than splitting their time between regular diagnostic scans and full-body protocols.
  3. Their scanning equipment is specifically calibrated for efficient high-quality diffusion-weighted imaging. This imaging is particularly good for highlighting areas of possible disease in the body, particularly cancer. 
  4. The research team is actively using AI to establish baselines in your scan for future comparison. These protocols are being improved more and more. 

Should You Try a Prenuvo Whole Body MRI Scan?

If you are someone who:

  • is interested in being proactive with your health
  • have a genetic or family history of certain diseases
  • have unexplained pain
  • are undergoing lifestyle changes

then a whole-body preventative MRI might provide you with the information you need to get your health under control.

In this day and age, we are becoming increasingly focused on preventative health. Most of us have already invested much time and money on supplements, gadgets, exercise classes, and the like in efforts to thwart disease and promote longevity.

I see a preventative screening MRI as an essential tool in your preventative health tool belt. It is worth the cost.

Wrap Up

If you made it this far into my Prenuvo review, then I’m sure you have the stamina to make it through a full-body scan.

Overall, my experience as a patient was great. I was comfortable, and relaxed, and got my results in a very timely manner.

I found the scanning experience to be a piece of cake, I even found it relaxing. I did not experience any feelings of claustrophobia.

I was able to easily access my results through the patient dashboard, and they were easy to understand and navigate.

The price is on par with other whole-body MRI facilities and is fair considering what you would pay for individual body part (dedicated) MRI scans.

Would I do it again or recommend it to my friends and family? Yup.

If you are interested in signing up, I included a quick link at the bottom of this post.

Happy scanning!

Take Control of Your Health With Prenuvo
Concerned About Claustrophobia During Your MRI?

As an MRI Tech, I provide my top tips and tricks that I have seen first hand work for patients, allowing them to successfully get through their MRI scans.


Is the Prenuvo Scan Worth it?

In my opinion, the scan is worth the price tag. My findings allowed my doctor to avoid unnecessary testing on my thyroid (such as an ultrasound) as she was comfortable with me following up with another Prenuvo scan in a couple of years.

Can The Prenuvo Scan Replace Other Medical Tests?

This is entirely up to your doctor. Prenuvo does not claim to replace any tests and follow-ups recommended by your doctor.

Is The Prenuvo Scan Legit?

This is as legit as it gets. Not only does Prenuvo have a team of board-certified radiologists it also has teams of research and AI specialists who are studying the efficacy of whole-body scans for cancer and disease prevention. 

Prenuvo has also based its protocol on over 7000 studies and has been refining its imaging process for over 10 years.  

Are There Any Side Effects

There are no documented or recorded long term side effects when undergoing an MRI procedure. There may be temporary effects when in the scan room and in the magnetic field. This may include slight vertigo or dizziness , a slight tingling or twitching sensation.

The radio-frequency application from the coils may also cause heating.

These effects will all subside upon cessation of the imaging procedure.

Who Should Not Get a Prenuvo MRI Scan?

People who have certain electronic or metallic implants may not be able to undergo MRI. These include implants such as pacemakers and neurostimulators.

The technologists at Prenuvo are highly trained to ensure your specific implant is safe for the scan.

Women who are pregnant are also not permitted to undergo the scan.

Where Are The Prenuvo Clinics Located?

Prenuvo has clinics in:

  • Boca Raton, FL
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • New York, NY
  • Redwood City, CA
  • Edina, MN
  • Chicago, IL
  • Irving, TX
  • Vancouver, BC
  • Dallas, Tx
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Silicon Valley, CA
  • Washington, DC (Bethesda)

Coming Soon:

  • Atlanta, GA
  • Boston, MA
  • Denver, CO
  • Houston, TX
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • London, England
  • San Diego, CA
  • Scottsdale, AZ
  • Seattle, WA

Please note that this article is purely informational and does not represent medical advice. The advice given in no way replaces the advice given by your trusted healthcare provider. The opinions expressed are also my own personal opinions and don’t represent the opinions of Prenuvo.

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